
Anti-oppression statement

It’s important to me that I include this information about myself and my business, so that you can feel informed, consider whether my work is in alignment with your values, and choose what’s best for you from a place of connection and resonance. This is a living and ever-evolving document, written by a human who is fallible but always Tries Her Hardest.

I come to this work with the unearned privilege extended to me as a queer, white, middle-class, educated, neurodivergent, able-bodied, settler woman of small-average size. I live and work as an uninvited settler on traditional village sites of the Multnomah, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Chinook, Tualatin Kalapuya, Molalla and many other Tribes who made their homes along the Columbia River.

One of my primary goals is to advance the field of performance medicine — for ALL bodies, races,  and identities. The world – including our performing arts bubble – is rife with inequity and oppression. My goal is to foster a safe, inclusive, welcoming, and uplifting online space for all bodies, races, gender identities, abilities, gender expressions, and sexual orientations.

The performing arts and healthcare industries are deeply embedded in many systems of white supremacy and ableism, which have contributed to on-going racism, toxic fitness and performing arts culture, and inequitable access for disabled folks as well as Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, and People of Color (BILAPOC).

I will always strive to challenge historic patterns of marginalization and oppression including racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and discrimination in all its forms.

I acknowledge that my own experiences and privilege can create obstacles to compassion and anti-oppression work in therapy and I am committed to continual and ongoing growth.

I will always do my best to make a safe space for your voice, to listen deeply to your experiences, stories, and histories, while being sensitive to each other’s perspectives and identities.

I believe:

  • Black lives matter

  • Global warming is real and we should be doing everything we can to repair our planet

  • We live on stolen land and should give it back

  • 2SLGBTQIA+ rights & lives matter

  • Abortion is healthcare

  • Inclusivity and accessibility matters

  • The genocides in Palestine, Congo, and Sudan must be denounced and immediately ended